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How to Be A Better Leader in the Workplace

How to Be A Better Leader in the Workplace

A 2015 survey of workplace culture cited 50% of those questioned left a job because of their manager. It can be difficult to be a good leader without the right tools. Faulty leadership skills can lead to reduced productivity around the office. While some people seem...
Managing Fundraising Expectations

Managing Fundraising Expectations

Matt Kupec originally published this post on his fundraising website.  How often as fundraiser leaders have we sat in a meeting when we heard somebody say “fundraising should be easy” when discussing a particular project which is short on funds.  At the same meeting,...
Corporate Volunteerism

Corporate Volunteerism

One of the hottest buzzwords circulating in philanthropy today is “corporate volunteerism.” At first glance, it just sounds like another attempt for businesses to better themselves in the public eye without actually affecting any real change. However, corporate...
The Importance of Networking

The Importance of Networking

In today’s world, networking is crucial: Whether you’re looking to expand your business’s outreach, promote a project, or find a new job, one of the best tools to have in your corner is a well-developed network full of people who either have what you need or can help...

Ted Talks: Listen, Learn…Then Lead Stanley McChrystal goes into depth in this enlightening Ted Talk about the value of listening and learning in leadership. He references his former position in the military as a place in which many people of different...