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Fundraising is the process of gathering voluntary contributions, mostly money, or other resources from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies. There is of course the traditional aspect of fundraising in which you can network your way through friends, family, and businesses. But in order for you to reach your goal, you are going to need to think outside the box.

With our modern day digital age, people are able to get information within milliseconds. Presenting an online marketing campaign is probably the best way for you to market for a fundraising event. When you do this, make sure the all of the logistics and information for the event are planned out before you jump into the marketing phase. The marketing phase can only be done once there is a sufficient amount of foundation within the overall campaign.

Below, you will see nine of the best fundraising ideas that you can leverage to your community. These tips will help guide you is promoting and publicizing your cause and event to a wide variety of people.

1. Contact the Local Media

Try to get in touch with an editor of a newspaper or producer at a radio station or television station. Inform them of your event and discuss how the coverage can benefit their cause. At times, you may be asked to spend for this type of campaign. Depending on the profile of the event, see if it is worth investing into this marketing venture. The publicity to that magnitude can be incredibly beneficial, especially for fundraising.

2. Email

A great way to raise a lot of attention in the quickest way possible is by creating a standard marketing email that can be replicated and generated to a large group of people. If you have particular partnerships with schools, organizations, or businesses, ask their administrative assistant or a supervisor if they can send an announcement to their employees.

3. Print Advertising and Flyers

This is probably one of the most standard ways of getting the message out there. Keep in mind this process does take time. Unless you have the manpower and time, I would advise on foregoing other strategies. Regardless, this approach is somewhat beneficial depending on the location. If you are in a popular location that generates a lot of traffic or a location that will spark interest in the event, then I would highly recommend you spend an hour or two at that spot advertising your event. One huge benefit is that you can personally pitch the event to those around you and spread the idea through word of mouth.

4. Tabling and Banner Ads

Similar to Printing and Flyering, only do this if you have the manpower and time to handle such a task. Try and do this at professional events or populated locations where you can personally discuss the event to its fullest. When you send certain people, make sure they have strong personalities and are well briefed on the overall logistics of your fundraising event.

5. Create a Facebook Page

Like any event, you can utilize social media as a strong platform for your marketing. Try and reach out to a large group and gage the number of people you can expect based on the activity. In addition, be consistent with the page. Make sure people are aware of the page as a purpose rather than a distraction.

6. Create a Video

This marketing technique has become popular in the world of fundraising. Creating a video that can be played throughout your social media platforms can be a powerful tool you can use to market your fundraising event. Make sure the video is emotionally powerful and informative.

7. Twitter

Similar to Facebook, you want to leverage twitter at its fullest. Try targeting a specific group can you know will be interested in your cause and your event. Share videos, articles, and quotes that can update the time and date for your event.

8. Advertise Speakers and Presenters

At times, a speaker or presenter can be the game-changer in seeing ten people versus a hundred people. Make sure you highlight those that are presenting at your event. This can oftentimes become a strong marketing point for you to push to gain more interest.

9. Leverage Your Connections

Best way to reach a mass group is by tapping you’re the ones that you know first. Who knows, another person may even help your cause by marketing your fundraising event to a new group thus generating stronger connections and activity.